Saturday, December 27, 2008

And then we got our wish.

Doing the dishes tonight I realized that my sweet husband, who was bathing the kids and picking up toys and being generally awesome, would not be here for much longer. In a couple weeks he'll go back to work full time for the first time since Sept. 4th. I won't know what to do without him, though it is EXACTLY what we have been hoping and praying for. Funny, it's precisely what we wanted and needed, but I'm so sad that it's gonna happen.
Guess that is what happens when you are married to the coolest guy never want to see him go:)
My Jo went to her first slumber party last night. It was okay for me until this morning. Then I wanted her HOME. She has only ever been away for two other nights and they were the day and day after her brother Bear was born. But, she had lots of fun with my sweet nieces and their cousins, siblings, grandparents, etc. I guess she stayed up til 3 am, then got back up at 7. That's no good and I sure feel bad for Nancy Matsumoto (the sweet, and perhaps a bit looney for having all those girls over, lady that had the slumber party). I bet she took a great big nap today.

SO, I'm rambling...I'm going to wrap up and go watch "The Notebook" with the aforementioned Best Husband Ever.

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